Artist: Forrest Fang
Album: Animism

Released: 19 June 2012
Label: Projekt

Animism Forrest Fang
The music of Forrest Fang allows for a vast range of expression. Across its eight tracks his album Animism (60'26") produces as many distinctive and engulfing soundworlds. Performing on synthesizers, violins, mandolin, cane flute and various other ethnic and percussion instruments Fang realizes a reverb enshrouded music of acoustic and electronic origins. Swirling, surging fronts of sound push the soundscapes found on Animism to the edge of abstraction. The slow sonic motion hypnotizes like an intense meditation while the tighter, more urgent sections take on a terrestrial cast. With its mounting disquiet and desolate vision countered by jungle drumming and rushing torrents of ethereal tones, Animism resides in a unique artistic realm also occupied by works from the likes of Robert Rich, David Parsons and Terra Ambient. This music may be described as World-Ambient or Cyber-Tribal, and these labels may give the uninitiated some guidance. But on his many albums Forrest Fang plays the song of himself. His numerous musical works have always been a pipeline into his inner world.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   28 June 2012

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