Artists: Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Tim Story
Album: Inlandish

Released: 21 January 2008
Label: Groenland

On Inlandish (50'60"), Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Tim Story explore musical and personal memories. Their exuberant reimaginings of ideas set forth by Cluster freely alludes to the entire history of electronic music. Roedelius is acknowledged as an artist of unique expressive power. His piano themes ground each of the 12 works, above which Tim Story integrates a wonderful jumble of atmospheric pads and thick synth leads as well as electronic buzzes, clicks and groans. Viola, oboe and cello also inhabit a few tracks and tinge each unique vignette with elegance and tenderness. The experience is an adventurous exploration, delivered as if in intimate, personal touch with the listener.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   14 March 2008

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