Artist: K Leimer
Album: Statistical Truth

Released: 2004
Label: Palace of Lights

Statistical Truth
K Leimer is a believer in the possibilities of the electronic music synthesizer. His charismatic musical vision is arrived at through the accumulation of experiences and encounters with an intriguing range of art. The album Statistical Truth (67'29") portrays the unifying effect of these multiple influences. Composing in an expanded minimalistic style, Leimer transcends the empty prettiness of new age with doses of menace and drama. The 11 tracks alternately divide the soundfield among several simultaneously advancing musical streams then jump wholly from one focused theme to another. A number of pieces expand as if algorithmically composed and come off sounding like a futuristic robot-driven chamber ensemble. Other titles advance in a mechanistic rush somewhere between art-rock progressions and ethno-electro beats. Leimer's impressionistic work is multi-layered, beautiful and serene and encourages non-conscious thought while the power pieces rouse the listener into Leimer's own dream of drums and patterns. However imbued with Ambient Music and Contemporary Instrumental influences, Leimer's compositional style originates from a more intuitive and personal process. Through the hidden gestures of its tonal narratives, Statistical Truth intimates much more than it says.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   29 March 2006

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