Star's End Playlist for 07.21.96


"Star's End"  1-6AM SatNite/SunMorning  Playlist for July 21st,1996
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD
Host: Chuck van Zyl

ARTIST                  TRACK                   ALBUM (LABEL)
Bekki Williams          SecretsOfTheLabyrinth   Elysian Fields (AD)
Alpha Wave Mvt          The Passage Of Moments  Transcendence (HarmonicRes)
Meridian Dream          3x3x3                   Baramundi 3 (Logic)
Air Sculpture           Attrition System        Attririon System (Neu Harmony)
Loren Nerell            Development             Point of Arrival (cdr)
Pete Namlook            Give Space a Trance pt1 Air III (Fax)
Ron Boots         DetachmentOfWorldlyAffairsPt2 DetachmentOfWorldlyAffairs(Cue)

MLO                     MLO Mix                 Wimbone-revisited (Rising High)
Robert Fripp            Radio Phonic I          Radio Phonics (Discipline)
Robert Rich             Wheel of Earth          Trances-Drones (Extreme)
Temps Perdu?            Sonoran Night           Terra Incognita (Timebase)

Mauve Sideshow   Dust.Crescents.GrumblingStairs Blood Will Tell (Ventricle)
Todd Fletcher           TheMoonOverEmptyRegions Star (Arya)
Coil                    tracks         TheAngelicConversation(Threshld
Caul                    Perfervid               Crucible (Malignant)
Mark Tindle             Submerged               Ritual Structures (Ancient Sun)
CTI                     Spectrophila            In Continuum (Conspiracy Int'l)

Voice of Eye            Siddhartha              Narratives (Manifold)
Main                    Corona pt II            Hz (Beggars Banquet)
PVH                     White                   White (Carbon Base)

D Hykes Harmonic Choir  EarthToTheUnknownPower  EarthToThUnknownPower(Catalyst)
Michael Stearns         tracks 1.2.3.           PlntryUnfldng (ContinMontage)
Dead Can Dance          Devorzhum               Spiritchaser (4AD)


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