Artist: Lisa Bella Donna
Album: American Watercolors

Released: 1 April 2022
Label: self-released

American Watercolors Lisa Bella Donna
On American Watercolors (43'25") Lisa Bella Donna reconciles enthusiasm for music technology with a reverence for the creation of mood, texture and atmosphere. Delivering this work with all the eloquence and excellence of more prevalent, better known methods and forms of art, each of its two lengthy tracks put forth a gorgeous love song to electricity. Seeking the current moving across the ages, these pieces both begin by emanating a quiet magnetism. Inching toward profundity, nothing can break the transportive spell. Suggesting inroads to the unknown, American Watercolors extends dynamically from quiet synth whispers and venting drones, to echoing sequencer runs and a commanding keyboard croon. Beneath spiraling electronic accents patterns cycle in metronomic syncopation. Sustaining like an engine in its power zone, we are propelled onward. As raw waveforms blend with rounded tones, buzzing notes resound with immediacy. Vibrantly animated, the sounds and tones on this album are pushed, pulled, coaxed and commanded to shape an ethereal realm, while lead lines bring a focus to the story of the song. Drawn along by outsized electronic chords this etheric articulation of space seethes with the artist's excitement. With its haunting and persistent tellurian undertones American Watercolors is tender, mystical and spacious, saturated in forest spirits and the broader dream of planetary consciousness - proof that music carried out seriously is its own undeniable action.

Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END - 14 April 2022

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