Artist: Alpha Wave Movement
Album: Eolian Reflections

Released: 1 August 2014
Label: Harmonic Resonance

Eolian Reflections
Within everyone is a place without words. For Gregory Kyryluk this place is expressed quite fully in his music. Recording as Alpha Wave Movement his album Eolian Reflections (60'37") will sit well alongside Spacemusic works by Steve Roach, Jonn Serrie, Paul Ellis and Rudy Adrian. This album runs counter to the prevailing spirit of cynicism. Eolian Reflections provides six tracks ranging in feel from gentle expansion to formidable force. With its recurring synthesized string chord motion, harmony and contrast interplay to great effect. These slow moving works unfold easily in the dreamy brilliance of shifting chord progressions or darkly in the thickening atmosphere of a rumbling drone. To add some sonic diversity scattered throughout Eolian Reflections are various rhythm elements. With either percussion samples played at a ceremonial pace or electronic patterns pulsing and echoing in a kinetic glow these metrical forms push their piece through different levels and phases in imaginative ways. While electronic musicians obviously do make use of synthesizers, computers and software... what of the human system? As tech driven as the music of Alpha Wave Movement is this artist is in touch with a deep emotional existence - and exposes this realm on each new album released.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   29 August 2014

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