Artist: Lyonel Bauchet
Album: Tractatus Lyra-Organismus

Released: 16 June 2023
Label: DiN

Tractatus Lyra-Organismus Lyonel Bauchet
Lyonel Bauchet does wondrous things with a synthesizer. His Tractatus Lyra-Organismus (48'17") is uniquely bold and inventive, and clearly exhibits the more intriguing facets of a complex artist. Electrical and human, the seven tracks resolve into an album within which to luxuriate - even as it submits experimental trials and takes unexpected routes. The wonderful mix of sensations - comfort, fixation, wonder - capture an elusive, enjoyable mood. Wandering out into space, Tractatus Lyra-Organismus occasionally ventures towards an elaborate sonic dreamland. Steadily advancing and expanding, each piece is more a thought cycle than a conventional song. While the bright spots glow, fairly vibrating with new energies, further inside his explorations of harmony, tone and rhythm Bauchet provokes a remarkable range of cerebral reactions. Combining sound, pitch and beats in a way that stirs and satisfies our emotions, Tractatus Lyra-Organismus takes steps into a larger world. Plush electronic textures and shimmering piano notes engage in lovely melodic substance - to ornament rolling rhythm patterns running out beneath cinematic atmospheres. The interplay of original synth timbres proceeding through Bauchet's engaging arrangements is reason enough for repeated listens. Finely focused energies flow vividly in every moment - offering easy pleasures for the ear. Leading us into the deep forever, and far beyond tomorrow, this release is yet another of surprising effect. Synchronizing with our surroundings we find this is what it sounds like when an Electronic Musician gets it right.

- Chuck van Zyl/STAR'S END   15 June 2023

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